Friday, April 10, 2015


It almost feels like a dying art, but it isn't an art, it is simply lack of talent with giant proportions. Of course, this isn't really referring to late greats Andre The Giant and Giant Gonzalez, or today's Giants, Big Show and Great Khali. They are as rare as they are special. This article is referring more to giants  like Kevin Nash, Undertaker, and Kane. Even Mark Henry, who makes up for the height in sheer size and strength.

Most of the names that will pop into your head are likely either retired or in the latter stages of their careers. Which leaves the question, who will be next? Is there even anyone on the horizon? Nobody comes to mind, unless they are currently on the indy scene. There is Matt Morgan, who many thought would have a long and successful career in sports entertainment, is currently "away from the game". Which is somewhat sad, giants have always been apart of the wrestling world, and legitimized the traditional "David versus Goliath" storyline. WWE could easily carry on as thought giants were still there, by focusing on 6'2" and under talent overcoming the muscular 6'6" to 6'9" talent. Example would be say Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler taking on Titus O'Neil or Eric Rowan. It would work, but wouldn't be what is was. The sheer height added a different dimension amongst the muscular bodies, high flyers, and mat wrestlers.

It hadn't crossed a thought before, not like it always had with someone like Big Show or Khali as again, they are rare. But, the other giants in the 6'10" to 7'0" range  are just as rare it would seem. If you are reading this  and are or know somebody who is in that height range, hit the gym and find a way to WWE's headquarters or training facilities. You/they could get an opportunity simply based on size. They might need you.

That was both a joke and a serious nudge. The question is whether or not WWE is aware of the dying breed of giants amongst the ranks. Time will eventually catch up with who they have now, and haven't noticed anyone amongst the NXT (next) crop of sports entertainers.

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