It is professional wrestling, so nothing is too far fetched, and unless they work amongst those "in the know" nobody can say, "that isn't going to happen" or "that will never happen". Some fans are open-mined enough to at least think about the match or scenario someone has laid out for them. Others are a tad bit close-minded and most times can't even accept what they are watching let alone an alternate theory or possibility. And of course there are those still stuck in a specific era of wrestling (from classic, to the 80's and the Attitude Era), however much like the people who don't even watch, their opinions are generally worth less than the Canadian penny.
With the age we live in, and the WWE being more tapped into the fans via Twitter and Facebook, it is harder than ever to tell what is a work and what is a shoot. The saying goes that everything related to wrestling is a work, but that is only because Vince and the wrestlers are smart enough to see when real life situations present a financial opportunity. As we all know, when it comes to business, Vinnie Mac always puts personal feelings aside. Possible exceptions of course, but how do we know for sure it was ever on Vince's part or if there was actual money to be made from them. How many times have we seen Hulk return over the years? Why is welcome back? Hulk makes Vince money (love or hate him, when the Hulkster returns to a WWE platform, it is usually good for business. Elsewhere? Not so much.
With all of that being said, CM Punk's apparent leaving the WWE. How do we know this isn't all one giant, brilliant "work"? The Stone Cold Steve Austin reference was almost too obvious. Add that there were rumors that Punk was hurt at the Rumble right before his departure. Then, we see CM Punk at various places from "The Talking Dead", to UFC events, as well as pics of him hanging out with a bunch of MMA stars. Which natually have sparked talks about Punk taking his MMA training into an octogon. How do we know this isn't all part of a plan by Punk and WWE? It isn't TNA or ROH who have the numbers to match WWE's, it is the UFC. With him being seen there, it is also almost free advertsing for the WWE. Remember that buzz that stemmed from Taker being face to face with Brock after one of Lesner's fights? Even the MMA world was talking about that. So is it too far fetched to think that CM Punk is currently resting and healing right now, and is doing more of the higher viewed spots (he's cancelled some smaller appearances) to keep his name out there as well as the WWE's with Wrestlemania XXX coming up? I don't think so.
Now this part, is a mix of what was stated already, mixed with a bit of dreaming and concluding with what I would say is "good for busniess". Flashback to near the end of 2013. CM Punk has just finished up with his feud with Paul Heyman. He is starting to take the jabs at The Authority, mainly Triple H. Punk is starting to team-up with Daniel Bryan both with grudge against The Authority, when Bryan is attacked and begins a short battle with the Wyatt Family. Daniel Bryan even became a member of the family in order to infiltrate and get Bray alone to throw him an butt kicking. Punk kept jabbing at Triple H and company and then the Royal Rumble happened. He kept jabbing for a few weeks later, then poof! he was gone. Punk was supposed to be in the Elimination Chamber, rumors were swirling that he wasn't happy with being in a match with Triple H at Mania. For the longest time, nobody would even give a definite answer in saying he was gone. One thing everyone was saying, was that he needed to heal up both physically and mentally after pushing so hard for so long. I may be alone, but I am thinking that Punk was injured or burnt out, and was given the time off. And everything since has been "worked" by both parties. Punk getting face time elsewhere, expanding the WWE brand. WWE has been loading their scripts with things that they know the online audience will feed into, and continue to advance this story overshadowing one of their "suprises". They may have thrown a curve tonight by making it that whoever wins between HHH and Bryan enters the main event with Batista and Orton. But, I am thinking Bryan (or both) enter the match, and just as Bryan is about to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt, CM Punk returns and screws him over.
The next night on Raw, Punk would be declared the new "Face Of The WWE" and member of The Authority. He'd eventually win the title of course, if not handed the strap. And then a massive build-up to squaring off with Daniel Bryan at Summerslam. It was said that Bryan's path to the strap was to be a year long culmination at summer spectacular. Rumored that Vince is supposed to return to battle for control, why not have DB be the face of HIS company? Not many will agree with that. I can understand. It is just one of many scenerios that popped into the ol' skull. And of course, especially in this business where things change even during a match, don't read into rumors too much if at all. This was a mix of both, taking what rumors are out there, and going with but also against them. I will add though, that as much as I wanted Austin/Punk, I think Bryan is more the Austin of this generation, and Punk was more The Rock. Can't really compare any with each other, but if forced to that is how I see it at least in a mic style or character approach (Austin couldn't go back to heel after he "exploded", Rock went back and forth).
![CM Punk Coming Back? CM-Punk-Returning.CM-Punk.Phil-Brooks.](
In closing, try not to initially throw this idea away. Think about it. Even for the sake of broadening ones mind, as it makes trying to play the guessing game with this industry a bit more fun. Especially the moments where we don't know what is truly coming next as there has been a trending problem at times in wrestling. Even without the internet. As always, the business will carry on without him, but it would be nice to think that Punk isn't finished. Contract is up in the Summer, TNA isn't "worthy" and ROH isn't "ready" (bigger star now), and a MMA career may be possible, not something I am itching to see like I was when I heard Brock started. Wrestlemania XXX in New Orleans in April is shaping up to be awesome. Should add something like a Title contract to the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, to add a bit more to it, as it does slightly come off as a typical Mania "filler match". I will let it slide for one year, as long as Big Show wins this as he is/was the next coming of The Boss, and seems to have been forced to not only take on a full-time schedule, but also forced to lay down to the likes of Rey Mysterio. Which was okay, and makes sense, but would Hogan slamming Andre at Mania 3 been have huge if we saw Andre lose to anyone, let alone someone smaller than even Hogan? Not really.
Okay, now I am done.
Stay Nerdy!
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